NESAS and SAS Lester W. Strock Award

The Lester W. Strock Award is given by the New England Section of the Society of Applied Spectroscopy in recognition of a selected publication of substantive research in/or application of analytical atomic spectrochemistry in the fields of earth science, life sciences, or stellar and cosmic sciences. More details on the award are available from the Society for Applied Spectroscopy.

2024 Recipient

Benjamin Thomas Manard

Benjamin T. Manard is a Senior R&D Staff Scientist and the Group Leader of the Chemical & Isotopic Mass Spectrometry Group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). He received a B.S. in Chemistry from Georgia Southern University (2009) and a Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from Clemson University (2014) under Professor R. Kenneth Marcus. After graduation, Ben was awarded a Glenn T. Seaborg Postdoctoral Fellowship at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) before transitioning into a Staff Scientist position. In 2018 Ben began working at ORNL within the Chemical and Isotopic Mass Spectrometry Group and has led efforts directed toward developing analytical methodologies in elemental/isotopic analysis by utilizing unique sampling mechanisms (e.g. laser ablation, single particle, and microextraction) coupled with inductively could plasma – mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to tackle challenging problems related to national security, advanced energy generation, biosciences, and environmental applications.

Ben has authored over 60 journal articles, been featured on 9 journal covers, authored 1 book chapter, and has received recognitions including The Department of Energy Secretary of Energy’s Achievement Award (2022), The Analytical Scientist’s Top 40 Under 40 Power List (2022), and The Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy Emerging Investigator (2023). Additionally, he is on the Governing Board for The Society for Applied Spectroscopy and Editorial board of Applied Spectroscopy Practica.

    Past Recipients

    2023 Maria Montes-Bayón

    2022 Igor Gornushkin

    2021 Uwe Karst

    2020  Heidi Goenaga-Infante

    2019 Mike Angel

    2018  Javier Laserna

    2017 Frank Vanhaecke

    2016 Raymond Arvidson

    2015 R. Kenneth Marcus

    2014 Steven Ray - Interview with Steven Ray by Spectroscopy Magazine

    2013 Richard Russo - Interview with Russo

    2012 Ralph E. Sturgeon - Interview with Sturgeon

    2011 David W. Hahn

    2010 Kay Niemax

    2009 Nico Omenetto

    2008 Annemie Bogaerts

    2007 Detlef Günther

    2006 Paul Farnsworth

    2005 Richard Russo

    2004 James D. Winefordner

    2003 Ramon Barnes

    2002 Julian Tyson

    2001 John Olesik

    2000 Max Diem

    1999 D. Bruce Chase

    1998 Sandford Asher

    1997 Therese M. Cotton

    1996 Richard A. Keller

    1995 Michael D. Morris

    1994 Richard F. Browner, Guangxuan Zhu

    1993 Willard W. Harrison

    1992 G. Hieftje

    1991 M. Bonner Denton

    1990 Edward S. Yeung

    1989 Gary Horlick, Martha A. Vaughn, S.H. Tan

    1988 Thomas C. O'Haver

    1987 Richard Sacks, J.M. Goldberg, R.J. Collins, S.Y. Suh

    1986 Robert S. Houck, Velmer A. Fassell, Gerald D. Flesch, Harry J. Svec, Alan L. Gray, Charles E. Taylor

    1985 C.R. Blakley, M.L. Vestal

    1984 Gary M. Hieftje, Stanley B. Smith, Jr.

    1983 M. Barber, R.S. Bardoli, R. D. Sedgwick, A.N. Tyler

    1982 Charles Wilkins

    1981 David M. Hercules

    1980 John P. Walters

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