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  1. I agree to abide by all local, state, and federal COVID guidelines in place at the time of my attendance at SciX and any policies announced by SciX.

  2. FACSS SciX intends to take photographs and video of this event for use in promotional material, in print, electronic and other media, including the FACSS SciX website. By participating, I grant FACSS SciX the right to use any image, photograph, voice or likeness, without limitation, in its promotional materials and publicity efforts without compensation. All media become the property of FACSS SciX. Media may be displayed, distributed or used by FACSS SciX for any purpose.

  3. I have read and understand the FACSS SciX privacy policy.
  4. I have read and agree to abide by the FACSS SciX code of conduct.
  5. I agree to have my name and institution listed in the SciX conference mobile app if one is provided, available only to other attendees who create an app account.
  6. I understand I will receive important communications from FACSS SciX related to my participation in the conference, and my contact information will be used for post-meeting follow-up as well as notices for future meetings and activities.
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  8. As a condition of my participation in this meeting or event, I hereby waive any claim I may have against FACSS SciX and its officers, directors, employees, or agents, or against the presenters or speakers, for reliance on any information presented, and release from and against any and all liability for damage or injury that may arise from my participation or attendance at the program. I further understand and agree that all property rights in the material presented, including common law copyright, are expressly reserved to the presenter or speaker or to FACSS SciX. I acknowledge that participation in FACSS SciX events and activities brings some risk and I do hereby assume responsibility for my own well-being.

If you have any questions regarding our terms of attendance, privacy policy, or use of your data, please contact scix@scixconference.org

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