Why attend scix?

Experience something new, connect with scientists worldwide, and enjoy yourself while sharing your expertise. At SciX, your participation truly shapes the community. Our approach to scientific exchange is both unique and inclusive, highly valued by all who attend. SciX seamlessly blends a vibrant technical program, engaging short courses, innovative vendor showcases, and valuable networking opportunities for career development. One key to SciX's ongoing success is its ability to evolve year after year, introducing fresh ideas and concepts to the community. Many of these innovations stem directly from attendees, whose contributed abstracts form a significant portion of the technical program. SciX is committed to providing an enriching experience that contributes to attendees' professional growth, ensuring they leave the conference equipped with new knowledge and insights to apply in their laboratories or companies.


Are you a student? Please visit the Student Page for more information.

The Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS) and the SciX Conference organizers are dedicated to providing a professional, pleasant and harassment-free conference experience for everyone. View the full Code of Conduct. 

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is  an exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

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