General Submission Guidelines

Before You Begin, Do You Have this Information?

Read all instructions below before beginning and be sure you have:

  • For each author: title, first and last names, organizational affiliation, position, and e-mail address
  • For the presenting author: career level (student, post-doc, early career, professor, professional, retired)

Submission Types

  • Oral Submissions: These will be reviewed for acceptance by session chairs. Submitters will be notified of acceptance around mid-summer.  Abstracts not assigned to an oral session will be given the opportunity to present as a poster.
  • Poster Submissions: These will be reviewed for acceptance, and notification sent when the review is complete. Specific poster session assignments will be provided to those accepted by Mid-August.
  • Oral or Poster Submissions: Submissions that would like to be considered for either an oral or poster will be reviewed for oral presentations first. If not assigned to an oral session, the submitter will be notified which poster session it has been assigned to.

Submission Deadlines

Oral Submissions: DEADLINE PAST

Oral or Poster Submissions: DEADLINE PAST

Poster Submissions: August 12, 2024 at 11:59pm EDT

Abstract Style

  • Your abstract will be published exactly as you submit it. Check submissions carefully for typographical errors, author listing, misspellings, poor hyphenation, etc.
  • Each submission will be asked for fifteen words or less to explain the significance of the contribution. This sentence will be included in the abstract as the “Novel Aspect”.
  • You will be asked to choose a primary section that are the best fit for your submission (your abstract may ultimately be assigned to a section that you did not choose). You will then be able to choose up to three topics. These choices will help chairs select abstracts for oral symposia.
  • The maximum number of words allowed for each submission is 350.

Authors and Author List

 Please check off the 'presenter' button for the presenting author.

Author Order:

Use arrow keys to change the order of the authors, as needed. Follow these rules:

  1. List the Presenting Author first
  2. If the Advisor or Project Lead is not the Presenting Author, list that person last

Proper Author Profile Details:

Keep affiliation names consistent as the system does not detect authors from the same organization if different organization names are used. The default convention should be the full name of the organization; e.g. use University of California, Los Angeles, not UCLA. Omit leading articles (for example, do not use The University of California, Los Angeles).

Permissions/Terms of Agreement

To submit an abstract, you must agree to following terms:

  • I give permission to FACSS to reproduce my abstract in print or electronic format with attribution.
  • By submitting an abstract I agree to register for the meeting and agree to all terms and conditions of attending. I understand I will be responsible for the cost of my registration and all travel expenses. Contributed abstract submitters are not eligible for complimentary registration or travel support.
  • When submitting an abstract, I will enter all information as directed and after the deadline I understand I cannot make any changes.

Submit Final Abstract

When you have completed all the tasks, and are sure that your submission is complete and in final form, click the Submit button.

Receipt Confirmation

If you do not receive an email confirmation within one business day, check your junk/spam folder first, then email scix@scixconference.org with your Paper Submission ID number and title.



    Submitted abstracts may be edited until the SciX submission deadlines noted above. Corrections and/or changes will not be accepted after these respective dates. To make changes to your abstract(s), log in to the SciX Paper Submission Site with your credentials.

    Withdraw Request

    To withdraw your abstract prior to the submission deadline, log in to the SciX Paper Submission Site with your credentials. Access the submission you wish to withdraw, click on the title of your submission, and change the 'Submission Status' to Withdrawn. To withdraw after the submission deadline, please email the FACSS Office at scix@scixconference.org with your Paper Submission ID and title.

    Abstract Reviews

    Please allow time for the review process before you inquire with the office about your abstract submission. Oral abstracts are reviewed after the deadline. Final notifications for oral presentations will be sent in mid-summer. Poster notifications will be sent in mid-August.  


    Abstracts will be posted to the SciX website at the time of the conference (see "Permissions" section above).

    Code of Conduct

    All abstract submitters are expected to have read and abide by the Code of Conduct. The Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS) and the SciX Conference organizers are dedicated to providing a professional, pleasant and harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, ethnicity, nationality, age, religion or any other basis prohibited by law. We do not tolerate unprofessional behavior or harassment of conference participants in any form. Language or behavior that is offensive or unwelcoming to others is not appropriate at any FACSS-sponsored event. Disruptive or unprofessional behavior, including talking, use of cell phones, and unsanctioned photography/video is not permitted in any sessions. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference without a refund at the discretion of the conference organizers. Our full Code of Conduct can be found here.

    Consideration for Awards and Other Program Opportunities

    During the paper submission process, you can request to be considered for the following awards or opt out. Students who submit a poster are automatically considered for daily onsite FACSS Student Poster Awards. If you submit as an oral-or-poster type and your abstract is assigned an oral spot, you will therefore not have a poster unless you are eligible for and apply for either the AES Blue Fingers Student Award or the SAS Student Poster Session.

    The FACSS Innovations Award

    • Must submit as an Oral or Oral-or-Poster Submission Type. 
    • All program areas are included.
    • Only research findings presented for the first time in the public domain qualify for entry (work based on submitted papers not yet published electronically or in print at the time of abstract submission qualifies too).
    • Finalists are selected for presentations by a panel of judges and all finalist present their work at a special plenary session at the SciX conference (view full details).
    • A 2-page application is required for consideration for this award. Criteria is provided in when you log in.

    The SAS Student Poster Award 

    • The SAS Student Poster Session is a competition for students (SAS Members or Non-members) who are presenting authors.
    • Recognition for 4 outstanding posters will be given.
    • The judging will take place on Sunday evening.
    • All students considered for the awards should put up their posters on Sunday evening before the opening mixer as well as on their assigned presentation day.
    • For more information please contact the SAS Office at exdir@s-a-s.org

    The AES Blue Fingers Student Award

    • The AES Student Award recognizes the most outstanding student paper submitted for the AES Annual Conference by a graduate student at the time of submission.
    • View full details on the SciX website, an additional application form is required

    Please note, there are more award opportunities within FACSS and other member societies, please see the Awards pages of the website. Many awards require a submission to be completed first.

    The Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS) and the SciX Conference organizers are dedicated to providing a professional, pleasant and harassment-free conference experience for everyone. View the full Code of Conduct. 

    ©2020 FACSS Analytical Science and Innovation | (856) 224-4266  
    is  an exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

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