code of conduct

The Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS) and the SciX Conference organizers are dedicated to providing a professional, pleasant and harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, ethnicity, nationality, age, religion or any other basis prohibited by law. We do not tolerate unprofessional behavior or harassment of conference participants in any form. Language or behavior that is offensive or unwelcoming to others is not appropriate at any FACSS-sponsored event. Disruptive or unprofessional behavior, including talking, use of cell phones, and unsanctioned photography/video/screen recording or any other form of digital capture is not permitted in any sessions or anywhere in a virtual conference interface. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned and/or expelled from the conference without a refund at the discretion of the conference organizers.


  • An official name badge must be visible at all times.
  • No smoking, including the use of e-cigarettes, in any conference areas.
  • Participants at FACSS or SciX networking events where alcoholic beverages are served must drink responsibly.
  • Participants must not be under the influence of illegal drugs or other unauthorized, mind-altering or intoxicating substances while attending FACSS or SciX events. This policy does not prohibit the possession and proper use of lawfully prescribed drugs taken in accordance with the prescription.
  • No advertising materials or organized marketing efforts are permitted outside of the Exhibit Hall without the express authorization of the conference management, Exhibits Chair or Workshops Chair. Only official exhibitors may display in the Exhibit Hall. No instrument demonstrations or distribution of any type of literature outside the Exhibit Hall without the express authorization of the conference management, Exhibits Chair or Workshops Chair. 
  • In virtual settings where participants have a platform to be heard and/or seen by other attendees, advertising and organized marketing efforts are prohibited unless arranged and/or authorized by conference management, Exhibits Chair or Workshops Chair.
  • No touching/opening/reverse engineering of exhibitor equipment without their express permission.
  • No unauthorized removal of exhibitors’ materials or promotional items from the exhibit hall.
  • For themed events where costumes are allowed or encouraged, attendees must be mindful of what level of taste is acceptable for a professional conference, and must take care not to wear anything that could be considered insulting to other cultures or social groups.

While in oral or poster sessions and award ceremonies:

  • All devices including cell phones must be silenced.
  • Do not talk or otherwise interrupt the presenter.
  • Do not take photographs or videos of PowerPoint presentations or posters, or use screen recording or any other form of digital capture.
  • Do not distribute product literature or literature promoting other conferences.
  • Do not demonstrate products (by presenters or attendees).
  • Do not use powered or operational instruments.
  • Do not use compressed gases or flammable/toxic chemicals.

Expected Behavior throughout the Conference:

  • Respectfulness and consideration of others and of the facilities

Unacceptable Behavior:

  • Physical or verbal abuse of anyone attending or involved with the conference
  • Harassment, intimidation or discrimination in any form; Examples of harassment are provided below

Harassment includes, but is not limited to:

  • Unwelcome or inappropriate verbal comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, age, or religion
  • Sexual images in public spaces
  • Deliberate intimidation, stalking, or following
  • Unwelcome photography or recording
  • Sustained disruption of talks or other events
  • Inappropriate physical contact
  • Unwelcome sexual attention
  • Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior

Exhibitors, sponsor or vendor booths, or similar activities are also held to the community standards described in this Code of Conduct. In particular, exhibitors should not use sexualized images, activities, or other material.


Participants must follow this Code of Conduct at all physical and virtual conference venues and conference-related social activities.

Participants asked to stop any behavior in violation of this Code of Conduct must comply immediately.

If a participant engages in behavior in violation of this Code of Conduct, conference organizers retain the right to take any actions to keep the event a professional and welcoming environment for all participants. This includes warning the offender or expulsion of the offender from the conference without a refund.

Conference organizers may take action to redress anything designed to, or with the clear impact of, disrupting an event or making the environment hostile for any participants.


FACSS/SciX are actively engaging in developing guidance for leadership, volunteers and staff to help monitor for behavior in violation of this code of conduct and to intervene as appropriate. That said, there must also be a mechanism for attendees to report such behavior. If you experience or observe unprofessional conduct, harassment, or other Code of Conduct violations, please report it as soon as possible. Make a report during regular conference and event hours -

  • In person: Contact a volunteer in t-shirt or leaders and staff with ribbons on badges.
  • Via email:
  • Voice or Text: +1 ‪(714) 926-1653

To ensure your report is managed properly, volunteers and staff will alert the FACSS Governing Board Chair and the FACSS Account Executive (or their designees), who will arrange to receive the details of your report in a safe environment where you cannot be overheard. Once safe, you will be asked to state what happened. This can be upsetting, but will be handled as respectfully as possible, and you may bring someone to support you. You won't be asked to confront anyone, and no one will be told who you are.

The FACSS/SciX team can help you contact hotel/venue security, local law enforcement, or local support services; provide escorts; or otherwise assist you to feel safe for the duration of the conference.

If you are not comfortable reporting, anonymous reporting is also possible. While this limits our ability to follow-up, we still encourage anonymous reporting over not reporting an issue at all.

Emergency Contacts

If you feel you are in danger, observe someone else or are yourself considering harm to yourself or someone else, or if it is after hours and you do not receive a response via one of the reporting mechanisms above, you should contact local law enforcement, hotel or event center security, local hotlines, or emergency services as appropriate. FACSS/SciX officers and staff are not available at all hours and are not equipped or trained to respond to emergencies or situations involving violence or other physical altercations.

  • Emergencies: 9-1-1
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 9-8-8
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1 (800) 799- 7233
  • Text HOME to 741741

The Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS) and the SciX Conference organizers are dedicated to providing a professional, pleasant and harassment-free conference experience for everyone. View the full Code of Conduct. 

©2020 FACSS Analytical Science and Innovation | (919) 827-4746 
is  an exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

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