This award is given to the author(s) of the most outstanding paper appearing in Applied Spectroscopy. More details on the award are available from the Society for Applied Spectroscopy.

2024 Award Recipient

Announcing the 2024 Meggers Award winner for the paper entitled "Quantitative analysis of tissue by Raman microscopy: from quantifying pharmaceuticals in tissue to intra-operative diagnosis during cancer surgery."

 Ioan Notingher

 Ioan Notingher is Professor in the School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham and leads the Biophotonics Group. The group focuses on optical  microscopy and Raman spectroscopy techniques for label-free molecular imaging of biomaterials, cells and tissues. The group developed numerous collaborations  with clinicians, academics working in cancer research, optics and microscopy, as well as industry. Highlights of his work include selective-sampling Raman spectroscopy techniques, Raman spectroscopy techniques based on spatial light modulators, diffuse and spatially offset Raman spectroscopy, with applications in medicine and life sciences. He is a Fellow of the UK Institute of Physics, Senior Member of Optica, and has been a member of the Society of Applied Spectroscopy since 2010.

Past Recipients

2023 Nikolaos Giannakaris, Anna Haider, Christoph M. Ahamer, Stefan Grünberger, Stefan Trautner and Johannes D. Pedarnig

Femtosecond Single-Pulse and Orthogonal Double-Pulse Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS): Femtogram Mass Detection and Chemical Imaging with Micrometer Spatial Resolution

2022 H. Georg Schulze, Shreyas Rangan, Martha Z. Vardaki, Diepiriye G. Iworima, Timothy J. Kieffer, Michael W. Blades, Robin F. B. Turner and James M. Piret
Augmented Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy for the Joint Analysis of Correlated Changes in Spectroscopic and Disparate Sources

2021 V. Ara Apkarian, Joonhee Lee, Nicholas Tallarida, Laura Rios
The Raman Spectrum of a Single Molecule on an Electrochemically Etched Silver Tip.

2020 Kay Sowoidnich, Mike Towrie, Martin Maiwald, Bernd Sumpf, Pavel Matousek
Shifted Excitation Raman Difference Spectroscopy with Charge-Shifting Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) Lock-In Detection

2019 Timothy J. Johnson, Tanya L. Myers, Russell G. Tonkyn, Tyler O. Danby, Matthew S. Taubman, Bruce E. Bernacki, Jerome C. Birnbaum, and Steven W. Sharpe
Accurate Measurement of the Optical Constants n and k for a Series of 57 Inorganic and Organic Liquids for Optical Modeling and Detection

2018 S. Michael Angel, Patrick D. Barnett, Nirmal Lamsal, Kelly C. Paul, and K. Alicia Strange Fessler
multiple papers on Spatial Heterodyne Spectroscopy Applied for Raman and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

2017 Naoto Nagai, Yuta Kijima, and Makoto Okawara
Infrared Response of Sub-Micron-Scale Structures of Polyoxymethylene: Surface Polaritons in Polymers

2016 Mike George
Probing Organometallic Reactions by Time-Resolved Infrared Spectroscopy in Solution and in the Solid State Using Quantum Cascade Lasers

2015 Eric Brauns
Mid-Infrared Diffuse Reflection on Ultrafast Time Scales

2014 Rohit Bhargava, P. Scott Carney, Rohith Reddy, Matthew Schulmerich, Michael Walsh
High-Definition Spectroscopic Imaging

2013 Paul Pudney, Eleanor Bonnist, Peter Caspers, Jean-Philippe Gorce, Chris Marriott, Gerwin Puppels, Scott Singleton, Martin van der Wolf
A New in vivo Raman Probe for Enhanced Applicability to the Body.

2012 S. Michael Angel, Nathaniel Gomer, Christopher Gordon, Paul G. Lucey, Shiv Sharma, J. Chance Carter
Raman Spectroscopy Using a Spatial Heterodyne Spectrometer: Proof of Concept

2011 Robert W. Shaw, Kent A. Meyer, Kin C. Ng, Zhanjun Gu, Zhengwei Pan, Weilliam B. Whitten
Combined Apertureless Near-Field Optical Second-Harmonic Generation/Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging and Nanoscale Limit of Detection

2010 Patrick J. Cutler, David M. Haaland, Paul J. Gemperlin
Systematic Methodthe Kinetic Modeling of Temporally Resolved Hyperspectral Microscope Images of Fluorescently Labeled Cells

2009 Christian Pellerin, Yongri Liang, Damien Mauran, Robert E. Prud'homme
A New Method for the Time-Resolved Analysis of Structure and Orientation: Polarization Modulated Infrared Structural Absorbance Spectroscopy

2008 Taka-aki Ishibashi and Toshiki Maeda
Infrared-Ultraviolet Sum,-Frequency Generation Spectrometer with a Wide Tunability of the Ultraviolet Probe

2007 Ryan D. Pensack, Bozena B. Michniak, David J. Moore, Richard Mendelsohn
Infrared Kinetic/Structural Studies of Barrier Reformation in Intack Stratum Corneum following Thermal Perturbation

2006 Pavel Matousek, Ian Clark, Edward Draper, Michael Morris, Allen Goodship, Neil Everall, Mike Towrie, William Finney, Anthony Parker
Subsurface Probing in Diffusely Scattering Media Using Spatially Offset Raman Spectroscopy

2005 Hiro-O Hamaguchi and Hirotsugo Hiramatsu
Development of Infrared Electroabsorption Spectroscopy and Its Application to Molecular Structural Studies.

2004 Boris Mizaikoff, Marcus Janotta, and Abraham Katzir
Sol-Gel-Coated Mid-Infrared Fiber-Optic Sensors.

2003 Ira Levin, Scott Huffman, and Rohit Bhargava
Generalized Implementation of Rapid-Scan Fourier Transform Infrared Specttroscopic Imaging.

2002 Neill Everal, Thomas Hahn, Pavel Matousek, Anthony W. Parker, Michael Towrie
Picosecond Time-Resolved Raman Spectroscopy of Solids: Capabilities and Limitations Fluorescence Rejection and the Influence of Diffuse Reflectance.

2001 Laurence Nafie
Dual Polarization Modulation: A Real-Time, Spectral-Multiplex Separation of Circular Dichroism from Linear Birefringence Spectral Intensities.

2000 Jack L. Koenig, Rohit Bhargava, and Travis Ribar
Towards Faster FT-IR Imaging by Reducing Noise

1999 Katrin Kneipp Single-Molecule Detection of a Cyanine Dye in Silver Colloidal Solution Using Near-Infrared Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering.

1998 Michel Pézolet and Anne Nabet Two-Dimensional FT-IR Spectroscopy: A Powerful Method to Study the Secondary Structure of Proteins Using H-D Exchange.

1997 T. Rick Fletcher, Matt Rekow, Dwayne Rogge and David Sammeth Vaporization of Nonvolatile and Matrix-Isolated Molecules Using a Novel Laser Vaporization Technique.

1996 Steven E. Hobbs and Gary M. Hieftje Scintillator-Based Nanosecond Light SourcesTime-Resolved Fluorimetry.

1995 Patrick J. Treado, Ira W. Levin, and E. Neil Lewis Indium Antimonide (InSb) Focal Plane Array (FPA) DectectionNear-Infrared Imaging Microscopy.

1993 J. Lin and C.W. Brown Universal Approach Determination of Physical and Chemical Properties of Water by Near-IR Spectroscopy.

1992 P.J. Treado, I.W. Levin, and E.N. Lewis Near-Infrared Acousto-optic Filtered Spectroscopic Microscopy: A Solid-State Approach to Chemical Imaging.

1991 Alexander Scheeline, Cheryl A. Bye, Duane L. Miller, Steven W. Rynders, and R. Calvin Owen, Jr. Design and Characterization of an Echelle Spectrometer Fundamental and Applied Emission Spectrochemical Analysis.

1990 Isao Noda Two-Dimensional Infrared (2D IR) Spectroscopy: Theory and Applications.

1989 Marek Urban A Novel Approach to Photoacoustic FT-IR Spectroscopy: Rheo-Photoacoustic Measurements.

1988 David Lubman, Ho Ming Pang, and Chung Hang Sin Pulsed High-Pressure Liquid Injection of Biological Molecules into Supersonic Beam/Mass Spectrometry with Resonant Two-Photon Ionization Detection.

1987 David C. Tilotta, Robert D. Freeman, and William G. Fateley Hadamard Transform Visible Raman Spectrometry.

1986 T. Hirschfield and B. Chase FT-Raman Spectroscopy: Development and Justification.

1985 E.A. Stubley and G. Horlick A Windowed Slew-scanning Fourier Transform SpectrometerInductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometry.

1984 N. Sheppard and J. Erkelens Vibrational Spectra Absorbed on Surfaces: Forms of Vibrations and Selection RulesRegular Arrays of Absorbed Species.

1983 S. B. Smith and G.M. Hieftje A New Background Correction MethodAtomic Absorption Spectrometry.

1982 G. Mamantov, A.A. Garrison, and E.L. Wehry Analytical Applications of Matrix Isolation Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy.

1981 C. Th. J. Alkemade Single-Atom Detection.

1980 John C. Wright Double Resonance Excitation in the Condensed Phase: An Alternative to Infrared, Raman, and Fluorescence Spectroscopy.

1979 John P. Walters and Alexander Scheeline Investigation of Bipolar Oscillatory Spark Discharge.

1978 C.A. Van Dijk, C. Th. J. Alkemade, and P.J. Zeegers Pulsed Laser Mode Competition with a Na-Colored Intracavity Flame.

1977 Thomas Hirschfeld a series of brief, but original and illuminating, papers.

1976 Bernard Keisch and Robert C. Callahan Sulfur Isotope Ratio in Ultramarine Blue: Application to Art Forgery Detection.

1975 M.L. Parsons, R.J. Lovett, and D.L. Welch On the Importance of Spectral Interferences in Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy.

1974 John R. Ferraro and Louis J. Basile Spectroscopy at High Pressures: Status Report and Update of Instrumental Techniques.

1973 V.F. Hanson Quantitative Elemental Analysis of Art Objects by Energy-Dispersion X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy.

1972 M.S. Wang Impurity Determination in Group III-V Compounds.

1971 C.R. Brundle Some Recent Advances in Photoelectron Spectroscopy.

1970 C.D. Allemand Depolarization Ratio Measurement in Raman Spectrometry.

1969 J.P. Walters Historical Advances in Spark Emission Spectroscopy.

1968 Harry J. Rose and Frank Cuttitta X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Individual Rare Earths and Complex Minerals.

1967 Michael L. Parsons and James D. Winefordner Optimization of the Critical Instrumental ParametersAchieving Maximum Sensitivity and Precision in Flame Spectrometric Methods of Analysis.

1966 B.J. Mitchell and N.F. Hooper Digital Computer Calculations and Correction of Matrix Effect in X-Ray Spectroscopy.

1965 J.B. Irenopvich, A.G. MacDearmid, and E.R. Nixon Infrared and Raman Spectra of Some Pentamethyldisilanyl Compounds.

1964 W.G. Schrenk and R.W. Johnson Mechanisms of Interactions of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Elements in Flame Photometry.

1963 L.R. Leipziger Some New Upper Limits of Isotopic Abundance by Mass Spectrometry.

1962 L.R. Pitwell Equations Working Curves in Emission Spectroscopy.

1961 T. Lee The Spectrographic Determination of Uranium 235.

1960 W.K. Baer and E.S. Hodge The Spectrochemical Analysis of Solutions: A Comparison of Five Techniques.

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