The Theophilus Redwood Award is given to a leading analytical scientist who is also an outstanding communicator.


Professor Frank Vanhaecke FRSC was awarded the 2023 Analytical Science open Prize: Theophilus Redwood Prize

past recipients

2018- Christy Haynes

2017 - Chris Elliott

2016 - D Graham

2015 - R Van Duyne

2014 - E Williams

2013 - J Caruso

2012 - S McLuckey

2011 - A Turner

2010 - P Bohn

2009 - J Vickerman

2008/9 - F Marken

2008 - J K Nicholson

2007 - J V Sweedler

2006 - R G Brereton

2005 - R Zenobi

2004 - M B Denton

2003 - S J B Tendler

2002 - R P Evershed

2001 - D Littlejohn

2000 - P J Worsfold

1999 - U A Th Brinkman

1998 - A Manz

1997 - J M Mermet

1996 - M V Novotny

1995 - M Thompson

1994 - J G Graselli

1993 - G Eglinton

1992 - A Hulanicki

1991 - J N Miller

1990 - J H Purnell

1989 - B R Kowalski

1988 - A Townshend

1987 - A M Ure

1986 - G M Hieftje

1985 - A Grasserbauer

1984 - R L Williams

1983 - G Nickless

1982 - D T Burns

1981 - J D Winefordner

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